Saturday, March 5, 2011

I'm a Sporadic Blogger.

It's Saturday. I like Saturdays, believe it or not.

Samara had Evan over for the night.

Rory is chilling naked on the floor. (He is watching them play Donkey Kong).

Donavan is watching the kids too and being very quiet... amazingly enough.

I am waiting for Kevin to get up so I can go back to bed.... Or not.

Well, Rory wants up so.

the end.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Maybe I just Like to Start Blogs?

Christmas is coming very fast. I am almost ready, just a couple more things to buy. Next year I am buying all year, I swear. It seems weird to spend all extra and not so extra money this one month a year buying what? All of the stuff I didnt buy the kids all year becuase they didnt need it.

Time to start thinking about new year's resolutions. This year I will lose weight and not be such a consumer... And plan on having sex at least once a week. Lets face it, Kev is deprived, poor guy.

Baby is sleeping, now I think it's my turn.

Night world.